Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Backyard Hawk

Where's winter?? I've put my paddle up (kind of) for the winter and I'm ready for the snow. My backyard collects alot of wildlife for being in the city. With my pond I always have open water thru the winter that attracts birds. Today looking out my back window I saw a hawk! I snuck outside to photograph him but he flew off. While trying to get a inflight photo he was pounced on by a crow. I was able to get both in the view finder. The hawk wasn't the only discovery in my backyard. My pond pump is located in a cage under a rock formation. I had to switch out the pump with the tank heater today. When I got to the last rock before the pump cage there was a hybernating frog! He was pretty groggy but he'll winter over somewhere else in my pond with my Koi. I love my pond in the winter as it's an oasis of open water in the middle of the snow. Every morning I have all kinds of birds visiting. Now I'm just waiting for my deer herd to return...I guess they're a bit "busy" this time of year.

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