Saturday, January 31, 2009

Trains, Planes and Automobiles...Plus Obama Girls and Snowmobiles

Finally!! I was able to get on my skis and kite! The wind was west with just a hint of south. 10 to 13mph gusting to 20. I went to the town of Pepin to kite today so the fetch was long and the winds were beautiful. I couldn't have had a better day. While I was setting up a group of women asked me if I could take their picture when they made a peace sign in the snow. They were having alot of fun. Pete launched his kite and amazed the ladies with some good air! I helped Petes son, Draven, fly my 1.5 meter and once he was started on that I launched my kite. Quite a few trains passed by on the tracks next to us. The snowmobilers were having a rally by the boat landing. And for some reason I had to watch out for airplanes. Three were flying low enough to have me a bit worried. Later I saw a yellow plane out farther flying no more than 20 feet off the snow. Everyone was out enjoying the gorgeous day in their own way. The wind is going to be fierce in Pepin tomorrow but unfortunately I'll be working.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Second Lesson "How to Kill the Wind"

Christmas I took my son out kiting with my 3M trainer kite. The wind was high and even with a little kite he learned how to have a bit of a beat down. Yesterday we took the "real" kites out to Pepin for his second lesson. "How to kill the wind" As any kiter knows the fastest way to kill the wind is to launch a kite. I tried to put my trainer up for him first but the wind was dying fast. I quick pumped up my 10M but the wind was minimal. Not even enough to pull skis. We were able to get a little static flying in. By time we packed up the kites it was dark and the cresent moon was out. It would have been a beautiful night for kiting if there only was a bit of a breeze. Next time it'll be actually skiing..we hope. He is actually interested in kiting!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

BCP Loop

Laura learning the BCP Loop aka Brooklyn Center Pool Loop. The pool was busy tonight!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

It's White and it's Water

Ah winter...gotta love it! I didn't know if I was going to be able to find an ice climbing partner for today but I ran into Stretch at VE and he was willing to go. We went to Homer's first but when I saw how filthy and muddy it had gotten since last weekend I wouldn't put my rope on it. We headed instead to the Brickyards. We spent four hours out there and to tell you the truth I think I could have stayed longer but I could tell my body was giving me a few"I'm gonna get you for this beetch" Earlier this week I had twisted my knee so I decided to baby it some what. Stretch usually climbs Ivy Falls out that way. I'm really curious to check that one out next. I'm also thinking North Shore soon.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ice Ice Reloaded Baby!

Ice is fast becoming an addiction for me...I do some and I can't wait to get out and do more. Today Lisa, Richard and I hit up Homer's Odyssey. A tall, vertical, beautiful ice fall in a very narrow, surreal, slot canyon. The three of us had a great afternoon climbing.

Richard made this fantastic video of the day! He does fantastic vids!

Homer's 1-10-09 from rgsletten on Vimeo.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Ice, Ice, Baby!!

Lisa, Melissa, Richard, Aaron, Ron and I headed to the Brickyards for our first round of ice climbing! It felt really good to whack some ice. I LOVE this sport! Everyone had a great day climbing. We just have to get Ron fitted out with some ice gear and we're all set. I drove home and just had time to eat a sweet potato when Shirley said it was time to go sledding. I went down the sled hill once on a sled and once on my snowboard. I learned bumpy ice is not the best for learning snowboarding and crashed. I found a virgin spot on the hill and snowboarded there. More snow coming tomorrow! I really hope we get a foot!!!